About Payments
1. Monthly - vs - Prepaid Packages
Q: Is there a difference between the Monthly and Prepaid Packages?
A: There are no differences in the inclusions or services. Both packages are exactly the same in that regard. The only advantage with a prepaid package is the discount you receive for prepaying. Essentially, prepaid packages offer 12 months of service for the price of 10 months, saving you over 15% on our pay by the month package options. For businesses which have the spare cash to take advantage of the prepaid deal or which would like to bring forward a tax deduction for the current financial year, prepaid packages are a great way to save some money!
Q: Can I switch from a Monthly Package to a Prepaid Package?
A: Yes. You may switch from a Monthly Package to a Prepaid Package at any time up to 30 days after you AGREE & PAY NOW on our order page and receive a full credit for monies already paid to us. Please email accounts[at]roi.cx if you would like to switch from monthly payments to our prepaid option.
2. How do I make my monthly payments?
Q: How do I make monthly payments?
A: Monthly payments are deducted on the due date each month from your nominated credit or debit card account, via Stripe.
3. When is my first monthly payment due?
Q: When is my first monthly payment due?
A: Your first monthly payment falls due as soon as you click on the AGREE & PAY NOW button on our order page. Payments will then be taken from your nominated funding source each month for the term of our Service Agreement (this is usually 12 months).
4. What happens if I miss a monthly payment?
Q: What happens if I miss a monthly payment?
A: This stuff happens sometimes. Our policy is to attempt to debit your nominated account, once again, a few days after we receive the dishonour notice. If that second payment dishonours, we will contact you via email.
Q: Are there any fees associated with dishonours?
A: Stripe or your bank may charge you a dishonour fee on each occasion that a payment dishonours. We may also charge you a dishonour fee under the terms of our Service Agreement (Terms & Conditions), but we generally only apply that fee when we have to deal with repeated dishonours.
5. Who and what is Stripe?
Q: Who and what is Stripe?
A: Stripe is an international company which manages payments for millions of business, like ROI Media. You can learn more about Stripe by visiting their website at https://stripe.com.
6. Can I pay some other way than Stripe?
Q: Can I pay some way other than Stripe?
A: For our Pay by the Month Packages Stripe is the only form of acceptable payment. If you wish to utilise our Prepaid option, we are able to accept one time payments in $USD, $AUD, EUR€ and £GBP via bank transfer to our nominated bank account in Australia or Hong Kong. Please contact us at accounts[at]roi.cx for details.
7. Can I pay via cryptocurrency?
Q: Can I pay via cryptocurrency?
A: Yes. We are in the process of coding our website to accept crypto at the checkout. This will be available soon. In the interim please email accounts[at]roi.cx if you wish to pay by cryptocurrency and we will organise it with you.
Q: What cryptocurrencies do you accept?
A: We accept all widely traded cryptocurrencies. We will consider payment in all types of crypto assets. Please email accounts[at]roi.cx with any proposal that you have in mind.
Client Support
I've subscribed for a Service Package - what now?
Q: I’ve subscribed for my package – what now?
A: Once you’ve subscribed you should receive two emails immediately. One will be from ROI Media acknowledging your order and providing details of what packages and options you have selected. The second email will be from Stripe acknowledging your payment and/or subscription. If you do not get these emails please contact accounts[at]roi.cx and we will assist you.
Q: When do I speak to somebody from ROI Media?
A: We will contact you via telephone within one business day of receiving your order. After that call, you will receive an email that explains exactly what we need from you in order to get started with your work. You will be assigned a Project Manager whom you will communicate with directly. Their job is to bring your ideas to life and deliver the kind of work that you really need and want.
Q: How long will it take to complete my work?
A: That will depend upon what type of work you have ordered. We currently complete in excess of 85% of new websites in under 30 days. A great deal will depend upon how quickly you respond to requests from your Project Manager for information, feedback and items like high-resolution images, website copy, etc. The number one source of holdups in completing and launching new projects is the failure by clients to get us what we need or respond to requests for feedback. If you get things to us in a timely manner you will find that things go smoothly and your work will be completed quickly.
How do I get support for my website and other services?
Q: How do I get support for my website?
A: All support requests including requests for your personal Webmaster to do something should be submitted via our Client Support page.
Q: Can I call somebody and get telephone support?
A: No. We do not provide telephone-based support.
How do I get support for my email accounts?
Q: Should I use ROI Media to serve my email?
A: We can do this for you but do not recommend it. There are many better alternatives to email management than PHP mail, which is what we offer. For small business customers, we strongly recommend the use of Google Workspace.
Q: What is Googe Workspace?
Workspace is a paid Google service offering exceptional value for money and excellent email management. Once you have subscribed to Workspace, your MX records will have to be modified on our server and/or Cloudflare. We provide this service for customers free of charge. Simply email help[at]roi.cx with your request.
Q: I am using ROI Media to serve my email. How do I access webmail?
A: Visit https://webmail.visisearch.net/ and enter your email address and password to access your email account.
Q: I am using an email client. How do I set that up?
A: Please visit the help pages or access the support service of your email client vendor for advice on how to set up your email.
Q: What are my mail client configuration settings?
A: This will depend upon your device and a range of other factors. Please email help[at]roi.cx and request a copy of your settings.
NB: We offer LIMITED SUPPORT and ONLY for emails served by us. That means that we can test if your email is working at a server level only (meaning our server). We cannot help you to configure email clients or sort out local (i.e. in your office or on your device) issues. You will need to find other support services to assist you with this. We STRONGLY recommend that you use a modern mail delivery system like Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, or similar. We will happily set up MX configurations for these types of email services at no cost to you.
Client Portal & Reports
ROI Media Client Management Portal
also Q: What is the Client Management Portal for?
A: ROI Media operates an extensive Client Management Portal. The portal is used to manage projects and facilitate the easy flow of information between clients, project managers and ROI Media staff who are assigned to complete work for you.
Q: Will I have access to the Client Management Portal?
A: Yes. Your Project Manager will invite you to log into the portal, via email.
Q: How do I access the Client Management Portal?
A: You will need to visit our Client Management Portal and enter the Username and Password provided by us. If you have not received a Username and Password or have lost them, please email [email protected] and request them. The portal also uses Magic Link technology.
ROI Media Client Reports Dashboard
A: Our Client Reports system is an all-in-one dashboard that allows you to monitor your digital marketing activities via a simple and intuitive interface. The dashboard includes analytics for your website, SEO rankings, backlinks, Google Ads and activity on selected social media channels.
Q: Will I have access to Client Reports?
A: Generally, only clients for whom we are running SEO campaigns or other paid marketing activities will have access to our Client Reports Dashboard. Clients for whom we are not running paid marketing campaigns can also request paid access to our Client Reports Dashboard at a small cost per month, plus a one-time setup fee. If you would like to access this tool please email help[at]roi.cx with your request
Q: How do I access Client Reports?
A: You will need to visit our Client Reports Dashboard and enter the Username and Password provided by us. If you have not received a Username and Password or have lost them, please email [email protected] and request them.
Domain Names
Domain Name Purchase & Renewal
Q: What is a domain name?
A: A domain name provides a human-friendly way to navigate to the server where your website is hosted. It also provides an opportunity for you to help with branding your business, online.
Q: Is domain name registration included in my Website Design Package?
A; Yes. We include registration of one Top Level domain name (subject to any eligibility requirements). If you require a specialised variation of a domain, such as .edu or .gov we are able to assist with the registration and management of these domains also, subject to your eligibility to use such a domain. Extra fees will apply for the registration of these domains as we do not have access to wholesale pricing for them.
Q: Do I own the domain that you register?
A: Yes. We will create a separate account for your domain name and provide you with all of the login details to manage it yourself. If you own other domains you can transfer them to your account and take advantage of the very low prices that we charge on the purchase and renewal of domains.
Q: I already have a domain name – what’s the deal there?
A: Many of our new customers already own a domain name. If you already have a domain name it will need to be pointed to our servers when we are ready to launch your website. We can do this for you or will provide your domain administrator with the details they need to accomplish this.
Q: Do I get a discount if I already own a domain name?
A: No. Our packages are very competitively priced and “all-inclusive”. We do not offer discounts.
Q: How do I renew my domain name?
A: If we registered the domain name for you or you have transferred the domain to be managed by us, you can renew the domain via our portal at https://roimedia.secureapi.com.au/.
Q: I’ve lost my username and/or password. How do I recover them?
A: Follow the Lost Password link on our domain renewal portal and follow the recovery instructions. Alternatively, you can email help[at]roi.cx and we will reset the password and email or text it to you.
General Information
About ROI Media
Who are ROI Media?
ROI Media Limited was registered in Hong Kong in 2010 by Australian born, Asian based entrepreneur, Tony Gavin. To date, the company has completed over two thousand projects for clients across Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, Canada, the US, UK and Europe. Project fulfilment and support are delivered from the Philippines.
Q. Am I dealing with an Australian company?
A: Yes. ROI Media Australia is the trading name of Australian registered company, Sherpa Way Pty Ltd. Sherpa Way Pty Ltd is part of the ROI Media Limited group of companies and is the principal contractor with all Australian based clients of ROI Media.
Cloudflare CDN Hosting
What is Cloudflare?
Cloudflare is a free CDN type product that protects against threats such as SQL injection and identity theft. Cloudflare also improves site performance and speeds up loading times by distributing locally cached copies of websites, using their multiple data centres that are located around the world.
Why does ROI Media use Cloudflare?
Cloudflare makes websites faster and more secure. All websites hosted by ROI Media are distributed via the Cloudflare Content Distribution Network (CDN).
About Our Service Packages
Branding & Identity Packages
Q: What is included in my Visible Elements Package?
A: After you provide us with a brief, including any existing brand elements, our creative team will research your market niche and develop an appropriate palette of colours, fonts, devices and other visual elements to distinguish your brand. We will then make recommendations based on that research and help you to make an informed choice. Once you are happy we will deliver to you a detailed Style Guide.
Q: What is included in my Name Game Package?
A: After you provide us with a brief, our creative team will research your market niche and develop an appropriate list of names. Those names will be checked against local business and company registrations, trademark registrations, domain name registrations and names that appear to be in use. We will then make recommendations based on that research and help you to make an informed choice.
Q: What is included in my VP + Tagline Pro Package?
A: After you provide us with a brief, our creative team will research your market niche and develop a series of appropriate value propositions and taglines. The value propositions and taglines will be checked against local business and company registrations, trademark registrations, domain name registrations and value propositions and taglines that appear to be in use. After consulting directly with you, we will make a series of written recommendations based on our research and help you to make an informed choice.
NB: Creative packages are offered on a prepaid basis only.
Content Marketing Packages
Q: What are the differences between Content Sniper Package inclusions?
A: All Content Sniper packages essentially offer the same inclusions. The differences are in the level of work required by our team and relate mostly to the scope of your geographic reach. In essence, the wider your geographic reach, the more challenging it is for us to rank your website in Google search for relevant keyword sets.
Q: Why does geographic reach matter to my business?
A: Imagine you run a suburban law practice. Ranking your practice organically on Google for the keyword “lawyer” might encourage a load of visitation to your website, but that visitation would largely be irrelevant. You serve a localised market. You want local visitors who can and will use your services – not random visitors from another state who may have no interest in using your services.
Q: Why does geographic reach matter to ROI Media?
A: Ranking for a short tail keyword like “lawyer” is difficult and ultra-competitive. Frankly, ranking for a keyword like that may require an investment running into several hundred thousand dollars (we know because we have achieved this). We have to be realistic about what keywords are most relevant to your business and decide what you might realistically be able to rank for within the context of having a fixed monthly budget to achieve that. That is why Content Sniper Packages are priced based upon geographic reach.
Q: Are there any differences between Content Sniper Packages?
A: Yes and those differences are significant. The differences relate to the quantity of content we produce for you within a given month, the keywords sets we are prepared to target for ranking on Google and the amount of link building we will undertake for you. The most important factor is the overall time our team spends working on your content marketing.
As a “rough” guide we produce content each month for Content Sniper Packages as follows:
Short Range Sniper: Maximum of 6 Pages or Articles / 4,000 words
Medium Range Sniper:Maximum of 12 Pages or Articles / 12,000 words
Long Range Sniper: Maximum of 20 Pages or Articles / 30,000 words
There are no hard and fast rules on the amount of content produced. We do what we consider to be necessary to achieve your content marketing goals. That will almost certainly vary from time to time.
There other differences between the packages, all of which relate to the amount of effort required by our team to achieve your content marketing objectives. Those differences can be difficult to quantify and are likely to vary significantly between different types of business. We are happy to discuss what those individual differences are for your business.
Copywriting Packages
Q: What is a Copywriting Package?
A: Copywriting Packages are an optional extra, only available to businesses purchasing a pay by the month or prepaid website design package. The packages are designed to assist website owners with either creating or tidying up primary content for their website. We offer two Content Package options.
Q: What is included in the Tidy Copy Package?
A: Our Tidy Copy Package is designed for people who have the copy for their website written, but would like to improve it. One of our skilled writers will review your copy, correct any glaring spelling or grammatical issues, sort out problems with syntax and layout, edit for overuse of particular words, clean up difficult to understand industry jargon, etc. They’ll generally make your copy more readable and relatable to readers. To be clear, we will not undertake major edits to your copy. The purpose of the Tidy Copy Package is literally to tidy up the copy that you provide us with. Your Tidy Copy Package covers up to ten pages of primary website content, with an additional charge for each extra page of content you require.
Q: What is included in the Pro Copy Package?
A: Our Pro Copy Package is designed for people who want a professional writer to create their primary website copy. After you provide us with a copy brief, one of our skilled writers will research what’s required and create primary website copy for you. Once complete, you will have an opportunity to review the copy and submit it for editing before we publish it to your website. The Pro Copy Package includes up to ten pages of primary website content. You may purchase as many additional pages of copy as you require, at a fixed price per page of copy.
Q: How good are your copywriters?
A: All of our primary content copywriters are native English speakers and most hold at least one university degree. They all understand how to conduct proper research and write persuasive SEO friendly copy.
Q: How do I know that I am getting unique copy?
A: Due to the sheer volume of information being published on the web each day there is almost no such thing as 100% unique content. As a precaution, we run all copy that our writers produce through Copyscape, which is a service that checks for and verifies the uniqueness of web-based copy.
Q: What do I need to do?
A: You understand your own products and services better than our copywriters ever can or will. Firstly, you’ll be expected to complete a copy brief for us. We will email you a link to the page where you can complete this. Secondly, you’ll be expected to review the copy we create and provide appropriate feedback until we get the message right.
Q: I have an e-commerce website. Can you provide copy for all of my products?
A: No. We do not write product specific copy for e-commerce stores. If we are building you an e-commerce style website you will be required to provide all product-related copy.
Google Ads Management Packages
A: Pay-per-click (or PPC) is an advertising model whereby advertisers pay a digital platform owner, like Google, each time somebody clicks on their ad. If you’ve seen ads appearing above organic (i.e. unpaid) search results on Google you’re already familiar with PPC. Other forms of PPC include display ads, usually in the form of banner ads and remarketing.
Q: How do PPC Ads Work?
Generally, PPC advertisers bid against other advertisers in real-time auctions to place their ads more prominently. Auction results are determined by a complex set of algorithms that analyse and score a variety of factors. This means that simply bidding the most money for a particular ad placement will not guarantee you the position that you desire.
Q: Why use Google Ads?
A: Google Ads are the fastest way to place your advertising message in front of people who are actively searching for solutions to the problems that your practice solves.
Q: What’s included in my Google Ads Management Package?
A: You can compare package inclusions on our Compare Google Ads Management Packages page.
Q: How will I know if my Google Ads are working?
A: We monitor your Google Ads in real-time. You are able to access this information 24/7 via our Client Reports Portal. Additionally, a full report is emailed to you on the first day of each month, for the previous month. You can also contact our support team at any time if you have any questions.
Hosting + Support Packages
Q: Does my website design package include hosting?
A: Yes. All website design packages include 12 months of our Platinum Hosting and Support Package. In order to assist with the responsiveness and speed of your website, we also use the Cloudflare content distribution network, which caches hundreds of copies of your website on servers around the globe.
Q: What happens with my hosting and support after 12 months?
A: At the end of your Pay by the Month or Prepaid contract term, by default, you will continue with the Platinum Hosting & Support Package.
Q: What happens if I purchase a web design package and I already have hosting?
A: We will encourage you to leave your current hosting provider as it is easier for us to manage your website from our own servers. We are also unable to make any server performance guarantees with regard to websites that we do not host directly.
Q: Do I get a discount if I already have hosting?
A: No. Our website design packages are very competitively priced and “all-inclusive”. We do not provide discounts.
Q: Does ROI Media offer standalone hosting packages?
A: Yes. Just be aware that our servers are configured to best accommodate small business websites running WordPress, with fairly limited amounts of inbound traffic. For more complex configurations you are better off with alternative hosting arrangements.
What’s included in the Standard Hosting Package?
A: The ROI Media Standard Hosting Package includes primary hosting on our high-speed server, placement on the Cloudflare content distribution network, 99% uptime commitment, 24/7 downtime monitoring and automated updates (if enabled) of WordPress core, plus automatic updating (if enabled) of any plugins or extensions which are capable of being updated in that manner. The package offers no included support. Support is charged at our standard hourly rate.
Q: What’s included in the Premium Hosting Package?
A: The ROI Media Premium Hosting Package includes primary hosting on our high-speed server, placement on the Cloudflare content distribution network, 99% uptime commitment, 24/7 downtime monitoring and automated updates of WordPress core (if enabled), plus automatic updating (if enabled) of any plugins or extensions which are capable of being updated in this manner. Additionally, our Webmaster will log into your website on at least a monthly basis and update any non-automated extensions and plugins, provided you have your own licenses for these products. The package also includes full use of our commercial licenses for paid extensions and plugins that are already in use on your website. The package offers limited support for server related issues only. Support is charged at our standard hourly rate.
Q: What’s included in the Platinum Hosting Package?
A: The ROI Media Platinum Hosting Package includes primary hosting on our high-speed server, placement on the Cloudflare content distribution network, 99% uptime commitment, 24/7 downtime monitoring and automated updates (if enabled) of WordPress core, plus automatic updating (if enabled) of any plugins or extensions which are capable of being updated in this manner. Additionally, our Webmaster will log into your website on at least a monthly basis and update any non-automated extensions and plugins, provided you have your own licenses for these products. The package also includes full use of our commercial licenses for paid extensions and plugins in use on your website. Support for this package includes having our Webmaster make minor changes to your website for you and limited assistance with both server and non-server related issues, such as resolving minor issues with CSS and HTML codes, etc. Any major work that falls outside the scope of this package is chargeable at our standard hourly rates.
Q: How do I subscribe to a standalone Hosting Package?
A: Visit our Website Hosting & Support Packages page and review the package option. Select the hosting and support package you require, then click AGREE & PAY. If you have any questions about hosting please email help[at]roi.cx.
Landing Page Design + Copy Packages
Q: What is a landing page?
A: Landing pages are sales pages that generally serve a single purpose, such as capturing leads or selling a particular offer. Landing pages are most often used to send paid traffic to, such as Google or Facebook ads.
Q: What is included in my Landing Page Design Package?
A: The package includes the production of one AMP (accelerated mobile page) landing page hosted on our commercial Swipe Pages account, placement of graphics and your copy on a custom URL (e.g. try.yourbusinessname.com). We’ll also embed user-supplied scripts and tracking pixels, plus integrate any necessary lead capture forms, payment gateway integration with PayPal, Stripe or other major payment processors.
Q: What is included in my Landing Page Copy Package?
A: Our copywriters will develop persuasive copy based on your offer. We will not develop an offer for you – you will need to provide us with an offer to work with. Likewise, we are unable to craft product-specific copy. You will need to provide us with all product-related copy.
NB: Landing Page Design + Copy Packages are offered on a prepaid basis only.
Logo & Stationery Design Packages
Q: What’s Included with the Brand Master Logo Design Package?
A: First up, you’ll be asked to complete an online design brief for us. In the brief you’ll have the chance to express your ideas, tell us about your colour and design preferences, provide links to logo designs that you love (and hate) and generally explain what you would really like in a logo. From that brief, one of our senior designers will create three logo concepts for you. Choose the design concept that suits you best, then work with our senior designer to get the logo looking exactly how you like it, making up to three design revisions. When you’re 100% happy we’ll provide you with all the file formats you’ll ever need to manage and use your new logo.
Q: What’s Included with the Brand Master + Logo Design Package?
A: Brand Master + logo design packages also start by you completing an online design brief. Once we have your brief a creative director will review it in detail, then reach out to you directly to organise a formal video design meeting over Zoom. The idea of the meeting is for our creative director to clarify what you need and want and for you to put forward even your most abstract ideas. After the meeting, we’ll create three logo design concepts to work with. Our creative director will then work with you to produce the exact logo you want, including up to five design revisions. This is a premium Design package where you’ll be working with people of way above average talent and ability. When you’re happy, we’re happy – and we’ll provide all of the file formats you’ll ever need to use and manage your logo.
Q: What’s Included with the Brand Master ++ Logo & Stationery Design Package?
A: You’ll get everything in the Brand Master + logo design package, plus we’ll design your letterhead, envelopes, business card, with comps slips and other business stationery items.
Plans & Reports Packages
Q: What is included in my Marketing Audit & Report?
A: You will first be required to complete an online audit questionnaire. Using your input as a guide, we will then prepare a written Marketing Audit Report. This will provide a discussion document that will be used in developing certain elements of your Marketing Plan.
Q: What is included in my Marketing Plan?
A: Your Marketing Plan will provide a strategic plan for your marketing activities over a predetermined period. With your input, the document will also detail the tactical elements of your Marketing Plan, including your marketing budget, details of implementation and management timelines, measurement of KPI’s including ROI and review timelines. The development of your Marketing Plan is a deeply consultative process and your regular input will be required throughout the entire planning process.
Q: What is included in my Marketing Audit, Report & Plan Combo?
A: This package includes all elements of the Marketing Audit & Report and Marketing Plan packages.
Q: What is included in my UX Audit?
A: UX (or User Experience) Audits are conducted by our UX experts. The report details objective measures of what the current user experience is on your website and details ways to improve UX, including the user journey.
NB: Plans and reports packages are offered on a prepaid basis only.
Social Blogger Packages
Q: What is blogging?
A: Blogging (weblogging) is the practice of writing articles and posting them on your website. Usually, those blogs would be about something related to the products and services that your business sells.
Q: What is social bookmarking?
A: Social bookmarking is the practice of sharing blogs from your website on social media properties, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other platforms.
Q: Why should I bother with blogging and social bookmarking?
A: A very large proportion of people use social media, often seeking recommendations from friends about local businesses. Blogging and sharing on social media help to establish you and your business as the local experts in the products and services that your business provides. Social media also sends powerful signals to Google which may help to improve your visibility in organic search results.
Q: What do I get in my Social Blogger Package?
A: Using AI, our team will create up to eight blog posts (not exceeding 4,000 words in total) per month for you and post them on your website’s blog. Those blogs will then be shared via your social media accounts, exposing your expertise to a number of potentially large audiences. Blogs to be published the following week will be available for review on your website, as drafts, by close of business each Friday. You are free to review and edit blogs as you please, prior to publication.
Q: What about social media accounts?
A: We can utilise any existing social media accounts that you have such as Facebook or LinkedIn. We will also create some other social media accounts where blogs can be shared. As part of your package, our designers will revamp your existing social accounts with professional graphics. We’ll do the same with any new accounts which we create for you.
Strategy Session Package
Q: What is included in my One Hour Strategy Session?
A: Prior to conducting the Strategy Session you will be required to complete a brief online questionnaire. Our strategist will use that information during your session to dig deeper on your strategic objectives and help you determine what tactical measures might be worth investigating. At the conclusion of your session, our strategist will email you with a recap of key points of discussion and a list of suggested actions steps.
VisiSearch® SEO Packages
Q: What is Google Business Places (GBP) Optimisation?
A: Google Business Places (GBP) is a free, easy-to-use tool for businesses and organisations to manage their visible presence across Google, including search and maps. GBP has become the most important tool for local businesses in organic search results. This is because Google displays GBP listings directly under and/or to the right of paid search results (i.e. Google Ads) whenever they determine that the search intent of the user is “local”. This means that top GBP listings now outrank the top websites in localised organic search results.
Q: Why use GBP Optimisation?
A: With the right knowledge and applied skills, it is possible to optimise your Google Business Places listing and lift its relative position in Google organic search results. Higher rankings mean greater visibility in organic search results for your business, more inquiries and greater sales volume.
GBP optimisation is included as part of your SEO package.
Q: What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
A: SEO is the science of making your web pages visible in organic search results on search engines, primarily Google. Local SEO is the practice of making your website rank on Google for key search terms related to your business, specifically in your local area. For example, if you owned a legal practice in Castle Hill, you might want to rank on Google for search terms related to lawyers in Castle Hill and its surrounding suburbs.
Q: Why use SEO?
A: The No. 1 position in Google’s organic search results gets 33% of traffic, with positions No. 2 and 3 taking a combined 29%. That’s 62% of all traffic going to the first three positions. Ranking well in localised search results encourages visitation to your website and helps you to generate more inquiries and sales. It is an essential way to drive visibility for your business.
Q: What do I get in my VisiSearch® SEO Package?
A: We commence with a full audit of your website looking for any technical issues. We then research keyword search volumes, review your competition and make objective decisions about which keyword sets should be targeted. Our team then commences methodically editing your page titles, meta descriptions, h tags and on-page copy to maximise the performance of your website. Our people will then start building relevant, inbound links to your website in order to “signal” to Google what your website is all about. This work is ongoing and we monitor results in real-time to inform changes in direction.
Q: How many areas are covered in my SEO Package?
A: We charge for SEO based on your geographic reach. If your practice has offices located in two separate areas and you wish to optimise both offices in search, you’d pay to optimise two areas. If you operate a national practice with more than six offices we can provide national SEO and will give you an “all-in” price for that work. Please email mail[at]roi.cx if you would like to obtain an “all-in” price for SEO services.
Q: How will I know if my SEO is working?
A: We monitor targeted keyword sets in real-time, as well as link-building and a range of other factors. You are able to access this information 24/7 via our Client Reports Dashboard. Additionally, a full report is emailed to you on the first day of each month, for the previous month. You can also contact our support team at any time if you have any questions.
Q: Why should I choose ROI Media for my SEO?
A: ROI Media has a long and successful background in local, national and international SEO and regularly obtains results that can only be described as spectacular. You can check out some of those results by viewing our See More SEO Info page.
Website Design + Copy Packages
Q: What’s included in my Website Design + Copy Package?
A: All of our websites offer a variety of standard features. What those features are varies a little from time to time but we do keep the list updated on our Compare Website Design + Copy Packages page. In addition to the inclusions mentioned on our list, our websites have a number of premium plugins installed to create and manage forms, build galleries and sliders, manage pages, improve SEO performance, protect against hacking, etc. If there is anything special that you think you might need on your website please ask your Project Manager about it in your initial design brief and we will do our best to assist you.
Q: How long will it take to complete my website?
A: We complete more than 85% of new projects in under 30 days. The number one reason why websites take longer to complete is customers failing to deliver to us things like content for their pages, high-resolution logos and images, etc. Prompt feedback is also absolutely essential to launching your website quickly. The sooner you get our designers what they need, the sooner we’ll be able to launch your new website.
Q: What do I need to do now?
A: We will email you an invitation to our Client Management Portal and ask you to complete a detailed design brief. The design brief will guide you through a step-by-step process that covers everything we’ll need from you to complete your website. After we have received your design brief a Project Manager will reach out to you and organise a formal design meeting for you, via video call. The Project Manager will also be your point of contact with us until we have handed over your completed website. We have a very clear, easy to follow development process and will provide you with all the support you need to get your website up and running ASAP.
Website Design + Marketing Packages
Q: What’s included in my Website Design + Marketing Package?
A: All of our websites offer a variety of standard features. What those features are varies a little from time to time but we do keep the list updated on our Compare Website Design + Marketing Packages page. In addition to the inclusions mentioned on our list, our websites have a number of premium plugins installed to create and manage forms, build galleries and sliders, manage pages, improve SEO performance, protect against hacking, etc. If there is anything special that you think you might need on your website please ask your Project Manager about it in your initial design brief and we will do our best to assist you.
Q: How long will it take to complete my website?
A: We complete more than 85% of new projects in under 30 days. The number one reason why websites take longer to complete is customers failing to deliver to us things like content for their pages, high-resolution logos and images, etc. Prompt feedback is also absolutely essential to launching your website quickly. The sooner you get our designers what they need, the sooner we’ll be able to launch your new website.
Q: What do I need to do now?
A: We will email you an invitation to our Client Management Portal and ask you to complete a detailed brief for each of the services we are providing for you. The briefs will guide you through a step-by-step process that covers everything we’ll need from you to complete the required work. After we have received your briefs a Project Manager will reach out to you and organise a formal design meeting for you, via video call. The Project Manager will also be your point of contact with us until we have handed over your completed website. We have a very clear, easy to follow development process and will provide you with all the support you need to get things running smoothly ASAP.
Website Design Package Optional Extras
Q: What optional extras are available for my website?
A: We offer a wide variety of extras with all website design packages. That includes some extras that can be paid by the month, which would normally only be available as a prepaid service. Optional extras include:
- Logo Design
- Copywriting
- Mega Menus
- Additional Pages
- Blogging & Social Media
- Search Engine Optimisation
The specific option available for each package and their pricing appears on our Website order pages. More detail about each of these extras can be found on this FAQ page.
Q: What is a Mega Menu?
A: Mega menus are an optional extra with all of our website design packages. A mega menu is a giant menu that improves navigability and the overall user experience on your website. If you click on the “Packages” menu items on this website you will see a mega menu appear.
Q: What’s Included in my Mega Menu Package?
A: We charge for mega menus on a per mega menu basis. You may also add one or more mega menus to your website at a later time by ordering them on an individual basis. Your Project Manager can help you to understand mega menu design options.
WordPress Themes & Plugins
About WordPress CMS
Q: What is WordPress?
A: WordPress is web publishing software for blog or website creation. It is also a highly flexible content management system (CMS) that enables you to build and manage your website.
Q: What is open source software?
A: We have a whole section on this in our FAQ’s. You should read this if you’d like to get a full understanding of the many advantages for your business of using an open source platform like WordPress.
Q: Why does ROI Media recommend WordPress?
A: WordPress is far more than just a content management system (CMS). It provides an extremely robust and extensible platform for almost any kind of website. Rather than trying to be “all things to all people” ROI Media has committed heavily to the WordPress platform and owns a wide variety of commercial developers licenses for WordPress themes, plugins and extensions. This allows us to develop exceptional websites, which are affordable for the average small business.
Q: What can WordPress do for my business?
A: WordPress has a bit of a learning curve if you want to be able to do a lot with it yourself. If you just want to make page edits on the fly or post the odd blog, you can learn how to do that competently in less than 30 minutes. If you can operate Microsoft Word, you’ll be able to use WordPress at a basic level.
Q: How much does WordPress cost?
A: As open source software, WordPress is free to download. WordPress is constantly being updated by the developer community, and updates are also available for free.
About Open Source Software
Q: What is open source software?
A: Open-source software (OSS) is software with its source code made available under a license, where the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. The open source software used by Con·spic·u·ous Media has been developed in a collaborative, public manner.
Q: Why use open source software?
A: There are many benefits to using open source software – not the least of which is the fact that it is free. Open source software that is in wide use often has a significant developer community behind it, meaning that source code is constantly being updated, and software to extend the usability of the OSS is always under development.
Q: Why do people create open source software?
A: In many cases, people create and contribute to open source software projects for completely altruistic motives. They want to be a part of something that delivers value to themselves and the developer communities in which they participate. Others participate for the money to be made from extending the functionality of OSS.
Q: Is open source software safe?
A: Not all open source software is created equal. The open source software used by Con·spic·u·ous Media emanates from large and reliable developer communities. Whilst that is no absolute guarantee of software integrity, the problems tend to be minimal at most.
Q: What open source software does ROI Media use?
A: ROI Media uses the WordPress content management framework for the vast majority of websites that it develops.
About Divi Theme Builder
Q: What are Divi Themes?
A: Divi Themes create and maintain a variety of WordPress themes and plugins, built to design websites. Whilst Divi Themes are supported by ROI Media, they are no longer our default builder for new developments. We now use and recommend Elementor themes.
Q: Do I have access to all Divi Themes & Tools?
A: ROI Media maintains a multi-site developers license for most Divi Themes and Tools, as well as multi-site developer licenses for a wide variety of Divi specific development products. If you want access to a particular tool please email help[at]roi.cx.
About Elementor Theme Builder
Q: What are Elementor Themes?
A: Elementor Themes create and maintain a variety of WordPress themes and plugins, built to design visually stunning websites. Elementor Themes are currently used by default for all new websites developed by ROI Media.
Q: Do I have access to all Elementor Themes & Tools?
A: ROI Media maintains a multi-site developers license for thousands of Elementor Themes and Tools, as well as multi-site developer licenses for a wide variety of Elementor specific development products. If you want access to a particular tool please email help[at]roi.cx.